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Digital Art Foundation

Design Your Own        Art Project

I was researching the most important people of this century and had stumble upon Muhammad Ali, I did some research and found a quote I thought was very inspirational. I decided to apply this to my interest in street art, I ended up creating a graffiti stencil that I am very proud of.

- I found a photo I liked then transferred it to Photoshop turned it into a stencil and added text.

- I am really fascinated with street art and liked the idea of a quote and picture. 

- I believe that art is a language with no word and no boundaries to what you want to say to the world.

Logo Project

Project Description

- I sketched out an idea and continued to draw it digitally.

- Then I placed it on merchandise.

Project Reflection

- The coloring and font.

- I used the paint and fill tool in illustrator.

Dystonian Project

Above: Finale Photoshop Project

Project Description: We designed or created a digital visual aide that is connected to the ideas of a Utopian or Dystonian world.

I mostly used Photoshop and google images well making this project. I found several images of dystopian communities and took them into Photoshop to edit into the CD cover I used for my final project. I also used a final project of a peer in it because we put the project together. I incorporated the concept of propaganda into it and tried to make it one of the biggest deals for this project. It shows how I was, interest in one of the main concepts of a dystopia. I discovered that I personally really enjoy this topic and would like to research it more.

Photoshop Project

Before                                       After

Above : Finale project proof sheet

We watched simple beginner Photoshop tutorials, then found images to practice on. I had no former Photoshop experiences and now I have a good idea about how to use it for common such as hair color, the color of objects and eye color such as the edited examples on the left. I used The pen tool, the brush tool, layer combining, and low light.

Name Project

This was our first project in digital arts, and it really showed what we were doing in this calls. In this project, I learned to time manage meant, and Photoshop skills. I was taking a picture when I found it difficult to find a natural R. It was difficult but I finished.

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