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Humanities 12

The Justice Project

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Justice Monologue 1

When taking on such a broad topic as justice we inevitably look into the cold harsh eyes of America. A once rebellious strong soul that brought freedom to a group of people that were ready to fight and protect a place that they could shape and mold into a utopia for their friends and family, now lying on a cement slab showing bone and breathing stories of the good old days and war stories. Stories of factories opening and cars being built, the story of pollution. The environment is something we should all be concerned about. With this what justice can we see being granted to the trees. What justice is served to the air that fills our lungs and the water we drink. I believe that justice should be granted to everyone and how can we say we are treating people equally when we continue to kill the chances of every life. Take in for a moment that lower-class families are exposed to more pollution which is increasing the cases of asthma in children and allowing larger corporations to increase the price for inhalers. Take in for a moment the small farming villages in Africa taking loans from the American government with inhumanly high-interest rates only to not be able to pay them back and having to grow copious amounts of coffee and bananas which leaves them no land and/or time to grow food for themselves. To put on a veil of ignorance is to grow and learn something from these injustices. To think of the life of others and the world we want to live our lives in. If we allow this to happen to others who is going to stop it from happening to us. In this floundering ocean of control issue panic, all one can truly control is yourself and how you will react to the next decision. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, In the words of the great Howard Zinn “Every nation uses the power to keep its population obedient-” With the current state of the legal system life choices are taken from people every day. From inmates losing privileges to the 314 bill nearly banning all abortions. With small rights being taken away from people we deem “wrong” and deserving of these punishments, it is hard to argue for the rights of anyone. “The thing’s I had been silent about was what I should have been talking about '' says Byran Stevonsons reflecting on his early career and his lack of communicating his experiences as a young African man in America. To speak and understand justice is to speak of the things that are ugly, that are ignored. Justice is following what you need to be happy, and being educated enough to know that there are other sufferings that needs to change. Justice is fighting and protecting a place to shape and mold into a utopia for your friends and family.

Justice Monologue 2

Justice Project

Reflection & Defence

My group put together a website to educate the community about the food system and steps we can take to the environmental justice that overlaps in the system. I took on writing and giving resources for agriculture. I wrote three paragraphs about how desertification in agriculture is a huge risk factor for climate change. My personal justice not only focuses very strongly on baby steps and improving life for everyone but also very strongly in favor of the planet and justice for the ecosystems it homes. Putting a veil of ignorance and taking in harsh information like environmental racism is something that is very important to me. Knowledge is power, making something I already know and backing it up with facts in my opinion is the most just way to inform anybody. Then making it available to the public with no demands of profiting off it is a 21st-century skill and feeds future minds with more resources is something I view as vital to the future. With the research, I took pillars to my topic and from there broke out into smaller questions. I feel I achieved really strong research and really filled in the open spaces in my final project. 


I helped my team put together a website and collected and shared information and resources about an injustice I feel strongly about, I feel like I achieved everything I wanted to in the beginning and realized more goals I had throughout the project that wasn't really achievable by the end of the project. My groupmate and I set really hard deadlines so showing up for my project looked like taking my part of the project step by step and finishing on time so I didn’t let my partner down. Asking filling questions in research and setting hard deadlines are two skills I really hope to incorporate into my senior project.

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