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Food project

Street Food

My food ethic is very focused on four things: taste, convenience, company, and most importantly of all is it appealing enough that I want to put it into my mouth. I am a very visual person, not to say that I don’t care about where my food comes from, but I don’t think I could eat anything that can’t get past my eyes. I think local foods are stunning, all the colors of fresh produce are amazing. Still, there are two sides to a spectrum and I can’t help but get hungry every time a hamburger pops up on my tv or I scroll threw my phone and come across the global cuisine of Instagram. I take in so much imaging of food on a day to day basis I should be a food critic. Even so, I am always aware that the food shown to me is not really what you get in the real world. It is all made to be appealing to everyone who sees it. Food is everywhere and its appearance is almost sexualized at this point; food porn if you will. You get hungry just looking at a picture. 


Advertising for food pops up every other commercial for your favorite show and you can’t help but think about how much better life could be if you had a large soda and medium fry in front of you right now. But it wouldn’t be. In fact all the salts you just ingested would make you even more thirsty, so a bigger soda, and come on are fries enough to fill anyone up. So after deciding you’ll just go pick up half the menu you also have to start thinking about how that meals going to make you feel.


Now not only are you going to have to burn off all those calories, you feel bad. What you have hypothetically just ingested was wrong. You should be eating the good stuff, the stuff that’s healthy for you and good for your body. Instead you just cased your pancreas to work twice as hard, your digesting more food than your body needs, and don’t even get me started on your poor arteries. Now there are exceptions, in my opinion, for this bad feeling, like eating with people you care about. I love going out with my friends and eating whatever they feel like, talking, being happy. 


So after all of that, all I can say for my personal food ethics is that I need to change the way I look at food. I’m not saying I’m giving up on the fast-food, but I don’t need it. I need to go out with my friends and family and eat real food. I need to look at food like it’s food again, and I will definitely work on that. I need to stop looking at salads as the enemy of my taste buds. We all need to see food for more than what it is and change the experience.

Studying food ethics is looking into how the food industry works and what you really believe as a person, how far do our morals go when it comes to what we eat. I have learned the different interpretations of “organic” and how that food is treated depending on where it comes from. Another fact that I will be taking away from this experience is how the food we feed slaughter animals actually affects there biology.


Learning about food in two different environments has been an interesting experience and has helped me to understand and learn at school and really start the conversation with my family at home and with my peers at school. Learning about it in the classroom has was more informative and helped me understand the facts. Whereas learning online has been a chance to develop my own opinions. Both have given me unique ideas but I definitely prefer to learn in-person rather than from home.


I am certainly more conscious about where my food comes from and more aware of the different ways people obtain food. I want to make a change in the food the people I care about eat and what I really value in the food system. This whole experience has helped me understand the food industry. I know now there are things I can change and encourage change in.

"My Life on Earth" Philosophy Project


We took on the task of presenting our personal philosophy in one form or another. My project was originally a four-panel collage of a person depicting my beliefs but was later downsized to a two pannel pice that I interpret as negative and positive things that have affected me to be the person that I am. I knew I was going to present a collage because I have such an attachment to the art form but I also knew I wanted to something about positive and negative impacts. I was inspired by the idea of you have what you have to work with speaking of the imagery I had to work with.


I really came to understand people need to be influenced by good and bad to become the person they are. Make a collage and understand you have what you have and you can learn to work with it or not has really shown me why I’m so amazed by the art form and really showed me another part of my beliefs I was unaware of. In the end, threw out this entier topic I have learned that healthy middle is key and this project is no exception. I could have put too much of myself into this and created something only I could ever interpret or I could have put too little of myself and then it would have just been another piece of art.


  • What if we really are all alone in this universe?/ What if we are so awful that whatever is out there doesn’t want to be around us?

  • How did we end up the way we did?

  • What could be different if we had changed back in time?

  • What if what I’m doing right now is wrong and I just have the free will to do it?

Rhetoric Project

I did my project on the conversation about vaccinations and how if we want to get anywhere with the other side, we need to work on how we communicate with them. My project was mainly focused on how out of hand the ridicule of anti-vaxxers has gotten and what we can too if we really want the situation to get better. I thought the exhibition was great but I feel like my presentation did not do my research and preparation justice. I felt like my nerves overpowered my entire presentation. I know now that my connection to the topic is rather caught up in the gray area of what if every vacation needs to be looked into and reviewed where I thought I just believe what medicine tells me to believe all the time. I know now that the other side are just people who were given information, whether it is false evidence or well-sourced material, and they are worried about the well being of there child when vaccinations are brought into the picture. There are exceptions as there is in all situations of people who believe in ridiculous reasonings they are anti-vax but there is still no excuse for the way we are treating people for their options. I think my biggest take away from the whole thing is if you can come around, meet them halfway, the situation can end up better then it did before. If we don’t separate ourselves from them and work together as a society both sides can work together so the problem grows with us. It would take less time to talk and save lives if we didn’t hear one side out and react with violence to violence. My opinions stay with the pro-vaccinations side but I understand now is that communication is key to everything and without opposition, we would get no new ideas or question anything we know. Threw this project I learned that if we just go with what we think is right we will stick to one thing and nothing will ever get better then what it is already is. This all has a place in a society of concluding arguments and helping society come to a healthy conclusion that both sides can agree upon. We need this in our society so we aren’t constantly stuck at each other’s throats but also not completely forced to only respect one side and suffer from a completely controlled discretion.

The case of pro and anti-vaccination is an ongoing debate in the medical and parental world. The basis of the issue is: Should children have to be vaccinated? We created vaccinations to protect ourselves from devastating diseases that have affected the human population. There is even a small portion of people that cannot receive vaccinations due to health issues, age, etc. These people rely on something called “Herd Immunity,” This is when the rest of the community is vaccinated which keeps illnesses away from them. Which is why vaccinations are pushed on to the younger generations and most parents even blink at the decision, but the scariest question we can ask ourselves is what if we’re wrong? What if the crazy people on TV have a small bit of a point? What if they are just people who are worried, just like everyone else?


I have a very strong relationship with the medical community which drove me to have a very close connection with this issue. I grew up with my mother working for physicians and receiving a yearly medical check-up. Most of my family are firm believers in the science of vaccinations and the well being of everyone. I also have a strong urge to go into the medical field and hope that this research will impact my future decisions and communication. The people around me have also impacted my opinion on the matter as I come from a very pro-vax community, but I think it’s very easy for us to just see the data and ignore or overlook things that anti-vaxxers call into the light and criticize when others disagree. I have seen first hand how people joke and harass the other side.


My views of pro-vaccination are mostly science based on the well being of all people and the research behind modern medicine. I have a very science-based mind and I trust it over other things. Data and research really wins me over but I know that industry doesn’t release all its information. I don’t care much most of the time, it’s keeping me and my community from suffering from some of these heart-wrenching diseases. I suffer from a devastating fear of needles and injections and I still get a flu shot every year because I know it’s the right thing for me to do for the greater population. I have been told my whole life that vaccines are the only option. In my younger years, no one ever talked about not being vaccinated, that wasn’t even an idea anyone ever had. So when one day a little something year old me turns on the TV, wich my father left on the news, and I found out that there’s suddenly there were other people that didn’t believe the same things as my parents.


It took me a long time for me to come to my own opinion on this but my views of anti-vaccination are primarily based on the media coverage. My understanding of the topic is it is primarily based on the well being of one person and the options parents should have to make. Most of the arguments for the anti-vax cultures are about an informed chose and doing ”your own research,” I have never actually met someone who believes in anti-vax ways so I can only look at the media I am presented to make a conclusion about there arguments. It is everywhere you look someone is making fun of people who are anti-vax, somebody is arguing with an anti-vax protester, it gets brought up no matter what, it’s become just another part of entertainment culture.


My opinion on the matter of pro or anti-vaccination is mostly pro with some grey area on certain vaccinations, the financials of the vaccination industry, and the amount of vaccinations given to the younger generations. I’m nowhere near anti-vax in the sense that I believe that you are putting your child and everyone they come in contact with, in danger when refusing to vaccinate, especially when there is so much proof that we need these vaccines and they are good for us. In the other scene, I hate how many vaccinations are given and how some vaccines are just starting out without any actual knowledge about what defects can occur to the patient. Before all of this, I am a human being with a heart and respect for everyone, and I hate how we treat anti-vaxxers and believe there are better ways to communicate with them. I know everybody should feel like they are safe and appreciate that we have found solutions to some of the most devastating illnesses in the history of the country and respect the medical community and the actual resources they have created. I think that if we stop criticizing and start informing we can stop this and all come to an understanding of each other where it doesn’t have to be hate and violence.

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