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Spanish 4

El Diario de Laney

Llorona de Matzalan is the story of a young girl who loves to play soccer. When she is accepted to go to a soccer summer camp in Mazatlan Mexico, she meets friends, foes, and lovers. Unfortunately her dream is soon attacked by the legendary Llarona when she begins to suffer from nightmares. At the same time she meets a boy who she has fallen head over heels for. Losing one of her newly found best friends she chooses to date the boy against several warning. After days of suffering she discovers that the boy is cheating on her and she leaves to meet family members living in Mazatlan. During their meeting she learns of the legend and changes the situation for herself to avoid the terrible women. 


El Diario


Capitolo 1-5


Los últimos días yo fui a los campamentos de fútbol y fui a México. Primero yo tenía un trabajo porque necesitaba ganar mucho dinero. Me prada estás furioso porque México es muy peligroso pero él tenía familia en Mazatlán y él confiaba en mí. Yo fui al campamento y conocí nuevos amigos. El campamento es muy hermoso y ahora vivo en un cabana con Desi. Nosotros fuimos al pueblo y vimos un mercado al aire libre y un faro. También me gusta un chico.


Capitolo 6-9


Los últimos días tuve una terrible audición. YO NECESITO ESTAR EN EQUIPO DE MANTARAS!!! Pero en mi audición fue un desastre. Un chico se llama Luis dice su padre es un el dueño del campamento y él me ayudó. Me gusta Luis!!! ¡¡ YO SOY UNA MANTARRAYA!! Perro yo tuve una pesadilla, una mujer aterradora.


Capitolo 10-14


Los últimos días LUIS ME DIO UN PULSERA!!! Y Desi está esta envidiosa. Yo tenia muchas pesadillas y estaba siendo malo. La mujer es terrible y grita por “MIS HIJOS” no bien. Yo vi a Luis con OTRA CHICA y noté que Decía tenía razón.!!! LUIS ES UN PERRO!!! Yo visité a mi tía abuela y ella me dijo la leyenda de La Llorona. !!ELLA ES UNA CHICA DE MI PESADILLAS!! Yo dije a Luis adiós y me pesadillas se fueron. 



  • In general, how has Spanish 4 gone for you this year? (great opportunity to highlight the context of fully online!!)

Spanish 4 has been a harsh, exciting, and eventful challenge for me. I’m at the point in my Spanish career where I have a strong grasp of the very basics of the language, this being said pushing me to have stronger vocabulary and read and write are huge steps for me and a priority in this class. I have never wanted to have long conversations in Spanish before in my life, I have really come into my love of the language. Being online has added extra strain but we still keep it together and have learned to be resilient and push to achieve things on my own this year. 


  • What were the most powerful lessons you learned?  (this could be regarding language, culture or about yourself)

I have learned the back bones of Spanish and how to apply them to other languages. I learned that I can learn another language and I wish to communicate with more people.


  • What were your biggest challenges?  How did you (or did you not) overcome them?

Learning online and finding motivation for myself. I found that taking time to step away from my work to avoid burnout is working very well for me. 


  • What were your biggest successes?  What are you most proud of?

I feel like I have so much more confidence in learning Spanish now.


  • What areas of growth do you see for yourself regarding language?

I really need to work on my past tense communication and growing my vocabulary. 


  • What plans for future language learning do you have?


I am obsessed with finding a telanovela to watch and practice my Spanish to. I love drama and really feel like adding plot to language, as well as listening rather then learning are going to be huge steps for more.

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