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Link Internships

Animas High School offers an amazing opportunity to the junior class every year. Giving these third year high schoolers the freedom to take on three week internships in their possible career paths. Giving them the opportunity to explore and learn the ups and downs before entering into the workforce. During LINK, students are excused from their regular classes and complete 30-40 hours a week learning from mentors in the field they chose, learning new skills for not only the future but also everyday life. For more information, visit

My Internship


I interned for an amazing local event planning company called Heirlooms. They put together amazing events around the Durango area and more making a special day come together and look amazing. I chose this as my internship because I had a draw to try it out and learn the ins and outs of planning and throwing events. As well as a deep enjoyment of parties and planning things in advance.

Pre Link Feelings

Fall Post

I’m thinking about doing medical(Nephrology), event planning, or marketing. Mostly STEM fields with a strong push to medicine and event planning specifically weddings. I’m really excited to get work experience and do something exciting for a few weeks, I’m a little worried I focuses too much on one and I might be too closed off to other options. I have done a lot of research into medicine, I’ve already done an internship with marketing, and I have helped plan some events in my family and worked with a possible mentor for the event planning. I will proceed to research medicine and event planning for my internship but I think marketing is going to get cut, for my future career I’m going to focus on medicine and let whatever drives me push me in the right direction.

Winter Post

I have confirmed an exceedingly interesting internship with an amazing mentor. I am ecstatic for this opportunity and thinking of it as a growing experience for me to learn from. The next steps are to focus on what I want to gain out of this experience and communicate with everyone involved. I am creating a list of what information I want to gain from this, but with the level, I am at I am prioritizing basic information about what to expect. I was very lucky to have been introduced to my mentor at the beginning of this process, I tried not to focus on only one option but it all worked out. My mentor and I have communicated about kinda what to expected and will continue to communicate.


During this internship I had the amazing opportunity to work and meet with an amazing team and assist in making a special occasion come to life. I learned the importance of not panicking when things don’t work out as well as to not overthink at the time and take everything one step at a time. I discovered my strong attachment to aesthetics and found out that people skills are one of the most important traits to have in any field. I met many cool people in the Durango community and got to know all of them in a fun and professional manner. I truly found a strong passion of mine and now know many people in this business I can count on.

My project

For my project I created and met with a committee to communicate the class of 2021 and 2022 want for a prom after this complicated year of online school. After a few months of research, brainstorming, and meeting and recording people's ideas and feedback of the event we decided to throw a prom day for the junior and senior classes. One of the buildings was decorated and both grade levels took pictures and had a formal atteried day of classes.

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